Editorial and Coaching Services

In addition to teaching  creative writing at the college level, as well as facilitating nontraditional classes and workshops, I offer individual editorial services and coaching for creative writers. When working one-on-one, I provide guidance and support to help you bring your writing to its absolute fullest potential. Many of my current clients are working on book-length creative projects, while others are crafting screenplays, essays, short stories, flash fiction, flash nonfiction, and more. I am able to provide critical feedback and line-edits for book length works, and/or shorter pieces of writing. I often recommend craft exercises, recommend reading, and offer tips for how and where to submit work for publication. Whether you are looking to generate new material, or polish and revise existing pages, I’d be honored to accompany you along your writing path.

My editorial and coaching services include an initial complimentary one-hour consultation in order to establish the goals of each individual writer and to discuss a potential customized plan that serves you and your writing goals. This plan often includes meetings (virtual or in-person), phone calls, and emails regarding your work.

I also offer private tutoring for students who need assistance with academic essays, college applications, fellowship and/or scholarship application letters, job cover letters, and research-based assignments, for any subject, including but not limited to English, History, Psychology, Humanities, Geography.

Please contact me for specific details regarding hourly rates.

Overhead shot of a typewriter next to a coffee mug, some pencils, and a couple of notebooks.

Testimonials from Gina’s Clients and Students:

“I cannot thank Gina enough for the impact she has had on my writing journey. As a writing learner, I was struggling to find my voice and develop my skills. As a fledgling novelist, I have gained so much from Gina’s insights, expertise, and guidance. Her understanding of the craft and her ability to draw from the experiences of others have helped me to develop my own writing style. She has a way of enabling me to see the world in a different way, allowing me to tap into my creativity, and empowering me to write with more depth and meaning. She guided me one-on-one by offering practical writing activities directly applying to the drafting of my novel, learning from the critiquing of contemporary writers facing similar challenges to my own, and exploring my own writing I was working on or struggling with between meetings. But what truly sets Gina apart is her strong connection with students like me. She is not just a teacher, but a mentor and a friend. Her respectful and nurturing approach creates a safe and supportive environment for learning to write and discovering myself. She has a genuine passion for writing, and it shines through in her teaching one-on-one or collectively, making the learning experience all the more enjoyable. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from Gina and I can confidently say that she is a true practitioner of the art of writing. I have tremendous admiration for and am inspired by her work.  I would highly recommend her to anyone looking to improve writing skills. Thank you, Gina, for all that you do for aspiring writers like myself.”

-D. Hodgdon

“Some say that talented artists aren’t the best teachers.  That’s not the case with Gina! When I was first venturing into the world of creative nonfiction, I took a class led by Gina, and was so impressed with her enthusiasm and intuitive teaching style that I asked her to work with me one-on-one as a coach.  I was taking baby steps with my first blog, and felt a lot of uncertainty, not only about publishing in general, but also about my own ability as a writer.  Gina was integral to the process of my words getting out to the world.  She was kind and encouraging, and her critique was always spot-on.  My little essays became much better under her guidance.  Plus, she was fun to work with!  Her sense of humor and passion about writing (and helping other writers succeed) filled our sessions, and always left me feeling empowered and inspired!  Gina is a powerful teacher because she is so down-to-earth, yet very much in touch with the spirit of word-smithing. I would recommend Gina as a coach to anyone looking to take their work to the next level.  She’s a gifted writer, and also a wonderful teacher and coach!”

-Carrie Reed

 Islesboro, Maine

“I have had the pleasure of working with Gina for over a year and during that time she has demonstrated exceptional skills as a writing coach.  Her tailored tutoring, written editorial notes and technical expertise has consistently led to improvements in my writing.  She has a deep understanding of memoirs and fiction and is familiar with a plethora of resource materials.  She is professional, reliable and exhibits a strong work ethic.  I highly recommend Gina as your writing coach.”

-Janeen S. Welsh 

“I first took Gina Troisi’s MEMOIR WRITING CLASS in XX year (2017?), and I have been working with her on and off over the years since. I have taken other writing workshops and classes over the years, beginning in the late ‘90s (including at Harvard Extension) and no other teacher has left such an indelible mark on my writing and thinking about the craft. Gina’s warmth and humor disarms any insecurities you may have. Her knowledge and insight on all genres make her classes and private sessions endlessly fascinating. No matter how much you have covered a topic, book or style of writing, Gina continues to offer insight and ideas that are fresh and interesting. I consider Gina a lifelong coach in writing…as long as I am writing, I will be working with Gina!”

-Sabrina Velandry

Screenwriter/memoirist/investigative journalist

“I first contacted Gina in 2017 when I wanted feedback on some nonfiction essays I was working on. She then, and now, has always given me extremely helpful critiques. If I’m not clear on something she has said (my problem, not hers), I can call or email her and she clarifies it for me. She always responds in a very timely manner. I highly recommend Gina as a writing coach, and I have shared her name with some of my writer friends.”

-J. Howe

“I first met Gina Troisi in 2017, at the Barnes & Noble in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. I had been retired for seven years from a forty year career in medicine. My drive to write a novel was high, but my efforts to date had convinced me that my creative writing skills would not spontaneously recover from four decades spent writing medical papers and textbooks. Gina inspired me to silence my doubts and get on with the job. When I left Barnes & Noble that day, I was determined to do whatever it took in time and effort to complete my novel. I highly recommend Gina as an accomplished teacher of creative writing, with the knowledge and experience to guide the aspiring author through the hurdles of contemporary publishing. Without her encouragement and support I would not have published my first novel in 2023.”

-Mhairi Haarsager,M.D., Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics

“Gina facilitates a Writer’s Workshop in a way that is relaxed AND rigorous at the same time. She’s equal part writing coach and writing teacher, in the way she encourages feedback from all group members, and shares with us specific examples of writing we can also grow from reading. She exposes participants to the writer’s world outside of participant’s daily practice and designs each week’s session to increase comfort levels so we expose our writer’s world from within, too.”

-Cris Blackstone

“The Memoir Writing class was of immense value to me. Each class was designed to focus on a particular element of the craft, but fluid enough to let the members of the group explore the areas each wanted to, through group discussions and writing prompts. The materials, reading selections, and book suggestions I acquired during the class will be revisited, often. I was inspired to write more pages than I had in a while, but more importantly, I wrote more fearlessly. I gained more confidence to call myself a writer and focus on improving my own talent, and eventually, to submit my work for publication.”

-Richard M.

“I took a writing (memoirs) class with Gina years ago at York Adult Ed.  It changed my life.  I have become a genealogist and write family stories from research extrapolation.  I love it.  I would love to be her student again.”

-Sarah Grant

“Gina’s workshop Where Fire Meets Form meets me at the level that is exactly right for me. We are inspired and guided to do the hard work of writing while sharing the pleasures. The classes are just long enough to give everyone a chance  to contribute and Gina has an endless assortment of stimulating  reading material for every genre.”

-Pamela Durack

“I always have a book going, and after having finished something so beautifully crafted; something that made me cry, or put me in the middle of a scene, or taught me something new about the world, I would wonder how on earth the author did it. The creative writing workshop provided answers to my question. In a positive and encouraging environment, I was given the necessary tools to begin the process of learning to write. Receiving feedback on my own assignments, listening to other writers, and participating in the class discussions taught me so much. I think the greatest piece I took home was that good authors write, and write, and write, no matter what.”


“For approximately eight years I had the good fortune to benefit from the English grammar and writing tutorship provided by Gina Troisi. Gina has been a very knowledgeable and reliable resource in the course of my studies. Whenever I came to her for assistance in writing a paper, she was effective in getting me engaged. A few times she gave some grammar seminars that were a great help in strengthening my language usage. Gina has a passionate interest in the English language and an observable desire to bring this passion to others.”

-Richard Thivierge