Shorter Works: underlined titles are in electronic publications. Feel free to click and read below!
- “What is Lost,” [Not] the End: Prison Stories, forthcoming. Poem.
- “Three Little Birds,” 86 Logic, forthcoming. Short Story.
- “Small Miracles,” Chicken Soup for the Soul: Angels and the Miraculous, Fall 2023. Personal Essay.
- “After,” Flash Fiction Magazine, Summer 2023. Short Story.
- “Walking Into White,” BigCityLit, Winter 2023. Short Story.
- “I’ll Be Seeing You,” Calyx, Fall 2022. Short Story.
- “Spiraling Through the Sky,” The Woven Tale Press: a Literary and Fine Art Magazine, Summer 2022. Short Story.
- “Where He Still Lives,” Eclectica Magazine, Summer 2021. Short Story.
- “Then You Were Gone,” Solstice: A Magazine of Diverse Voices, Spring 2021. Short story.
- “Eve,” Night Shift Radio, Winter 2021. Short story.
- “After the Boston Marathon Bombing,” Gemini Magazine, September 2020
- “What Remains,” Quarter After Eight, Spring 2020. Short story.
- “A Hunger,” Sycamore Review, Fall 2019. Personal Essay.
- “The Release,” Pembroke Magazine, March 2019. Personal Essay.
- “Buried Beneath Her Skin Like Slivers,” Under the Sun, May 2019. Personal Essay.
- “Suicide Note,” Iron Horse Literary Review, November 27, 2018. Personal Essay.
- “Between Strangers,” Flyway: Journal of Writing and Environment, Winter 2018. Short story.
- “In the Wake of Time,” Silk Road Review, Spring 2016. Personal Essay.
- “The Angle of Flickering Light,” Fourth Genre, Spring 2015. Personal Essay.
- “Our Shadows on the Sidewalks,” Under the Sun, Summer 2014. Personal Essay.
- “Where the Ocean and Sky Divide,” Fugue, Page 75. Winter-Spring 2014. Personal Essay.
- “Until the Morning Comes,” Flyway: Journal of Writing and Environment, Winter 2014. Personal Essay.
- “Wrapped Up in Skin, Hidden Behind Eyes,” The Gettysburg Review, Spring 2013. Personal Essay.
- “Here on the Deck,” The Truth About Fact: International Journal of Literary Nonfiction, Spring 2012. Personal Essay.
- “Adams Point,” Compass Rose, Spring 2011. Personal Essay.
- “In the Absence of Beauty,” The Clackamas Literary Review, 2011. Personal Essay.
- “Cleaning House,” The Concho River Review, Fall 2010. Personal Essay.
- “Safety,” Room Magazine, Fall 2009. Personal Essay.
- “The Red House,” PMSpoemmemoirstory, Fall 2009. Personal Essay.
- “Indulgence,” Best New Writing 2010, Fall 2009. Personal Essay.
- “Radiation,” Hope Whispers, Summer 2009. Personal Essay.
- “Radiation,” Stonecoast Lines: Volume II (University of Southern Maine), Winter 2009. Personal Essay.